Monday, January 5, 2015

An Introduction To The Blog

I've felt convicted to start this blog for a while now. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to help him with a Biblical-Based Blog. Basically the idea was to start a blog and help people read scripture that wouldn't normally get to. It was a blog for people who were too busy to necessarily sit everyday and have a daily allotted time to study. It was for people who worked 40+ hours a day and were.... just busy. Our idea was that people would get on Facebook more than they would sit and read. I made a post on Facebook about it, so here: 
"Hello There Everyone,
As some of you know, I've taken up blogging this past month and I always share a link to my posts on my Facebook page (by the way, if you haven't checked it out the link is I'm up to over 500 views now!). Well, recently I've been asked by Jared Conatser to join him and a few others to start a weekly blog dedicated to bringing a small portion of God's Word to everyday busy working Christians.
Now some of you may think that that's silly; why would you bother taking the time to blog to busy Christians?? If they don't read the Bible, what makes you think that they'll read your blog post?? But, come on. Let's get real for a second. 100% Honesty: Most Christians will set down on Facebook after a long, hard days work then they will read their Bible. It's true. This is designed for people who are so busy that they probably only read their Bible when the Pastor tells them what the text is for his sermon.
We aren't going to be harassing people on whether or not they could or could not have taken time out of their day to read their Bibles (of course they should be, we all know that). We just want to do what we can to make it slightly easier. We're going to be bringing a series of verses and then essentially providing a sermon-... I mean commentary (it is being run by preachers, but we'll try not to be "to preachy", we all have our own pastors for that). It isn't meant to take place of your own personal study, or take time from your churches and families. It's meant to be an encouragement.
We know how busy people can be and how neglectful people can be towards God and His Words for us. We know that there are umpteen million things on your to-do lists. We understand. That's why we're doing this: for you. The people who work 80+ hours a week. The people who have to raise their families on their own. The ones whose days are so run together from stress that they forget weekends, birthdays, holidays, special occasions, etc.. This is meant for you.
Again, you may think it's silly, and that a person that busy doesn't have time for Facebook and to read a blog post. You may be right. But, we feel like we're still meant to try. After all, Christ died for people who "may not have time" to accept Him, but it still didn't stop Him. he laid down His life for all of us.
So please, join us. Share with your friends what we're trying to do. Right now the website is being built on Wordpress, but it'll be up very soon and we'll take turns posting every Monday so that you the readers can come home, unwind, get spiritually fed, and hopefully start your week right. Pray for us, and please help share this with someone that needs it. God Bless."
Unfortunately, Jared is just too busy to get the blog started the way he had it planned. So. I've decided to start my own blog. 

The Blog is called "It's Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This." because I wanted this blog to be connected to my blog Geekery ( I want it to be evident in both blogs that I am a major Geek, but even more than that a souled-out Christian. In this life, IT IS dangerous to go alone. If we take what God's Word teaches us, we'll be safer. And we won't be alone, either, because God's Word is active and breathing. He's speaking to us THROUGH His word!

The blog is going to be structured like so: 
1) Verses (KJV- Usually a chapter per post)
2) Context (A bit of information to keep things in perspective [time period, info about the author, etc.])
3) Summary of the Verses
4) Application to our own lives. 

Sometime either this week or Next Monday I'll start with Nehemiah. My pastor delivered a Major Heavy Hitter of a Sermon this past Sunday and really inspired me to start this blog with this book. Nehemiah is all about Reconstruction and Restoration, which are two things I personally need this New Year. 

So join me in this New Quest! I'll have a new post uploaded Every Monday. Please, if you can, take a few minutes Every Monday and dive into God's Word with me. I promise that you'll grow from it and that it won't kill you. I'll be sure to let my personality come out during the Summary and Application.  And if you don't mind, please share this with someone else that you know needs to do better at reading and studying. This is a 100% Safe and Non-Judging Zone (the Bible may feel like it's judging you sometimes, but it's just pointing things out to you that God knows you need help on). 
Comments are always Welcome!!!

Look for the First Official Post for Nehemiah Chapter 1 soon! Be sure and also check out what's new at Geekery! God Bless!!!!

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